Monday, October 10, 2011


I never really like magic that much. Thought they are quite ridiculous most of the time and a bit of a trickster. But Ted is very much interested in it. I guess it is about the performance and creating happiness that attracts it to him. He made me look at magician  and magic differently now.

When I was younger I used to read about Houdini and his great escape stunts. Then came David Copperfield with his  over the top magical feats. Who could ever forget him "walking" through the Great Wall of China? in the last 10 years, 2 new magician had made it internationally, David Blaine and Cyrus. Both of them are famous for their street magic which I thought were very entertaining.

But then I saw the similarity in all of these magician. All of them worked hard to be the master of what they do. All of them trained almost all their lives to continue being the best and to create amazing magical feats, to entertained people, each time trying to outdo their last act. Maybe, more then the performing and entertaining part, this is what the kinship Ted has found with them. It is the training and the practice and the hard work, to be the best that you can be in what you do.

David Blaine did a talk in TEDTalks ( TED stands for Training, Entertainment, Design) which explained his work. At the end he explained what magic means to him... it is about the training and the practice and the experimenting, about pushing through the pain to be the best that you can be. I can see why Ted found kinship with all these magician.

Check out the talk HERE. It is a about 20 min but he is so real and such an inspiration. Don't be surprise if you get teary eye at the end. I did.

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