Friday, March 19, 2010

Meeting Jane

Auntie Jane is one of Ted's oldest friend's mother, H. Even before we were married, Ted always have a story of Auntie Jane. It is always in an anecdotal sort of ways. In his stories, she is this wise, loving, organize and humorous lady. Whenever he start talking about her, his lips would curl into a smile and his eyes started to twinkle....and I knew that a great story is coming my way. One that would make me laugh or smile or teary eyed.

One of my favourite story is about a trip he took to her house. He brought Aiman along.Naturally Aiman would be a ball of adrenaline happy running around and touching everything in every room. At this point, Ted would impersonate Auntie Jane in her old English accent " Boy! whatever you are doing....STOP IT". Aiman would stop and gave that look of "How did she know? She can't see me". I heard this story a million times....and I always cracked up. I have always imagine meeting her in person and experience that kind of sense of humour in person. I knew I would have loved her instantly.

I finally got to meet her yesterday. Unfortunately the visit was not as I had imagine it. Auntie Jane is sick. She caught an infection and now hospitalize. She is semiconscious & the prognosis is bad. She is deteriorating despite on Imipenem and Ciprofloxacin. So I never get to listen to the wise old English lady in person. Nevertheless... that night I realized that she is a great woman. She was surrounded by her dotting son and friends and family. The room was filled with people and we had to take turn to be in that room so that others can come in. I never even met her and I am already loving her. Imagine these people whom most had grown up knowing her...imagine the kind of feeling they have for her.

I wish I had met her earlier.....

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